Batch History

The Batch History dialog displays details about when the voucher was generated, updated or added to a batch as well as when cost allocation was added. If a voucher was removed from a batch at any time, this will show in the history as well.

History Dialog

Column Description

Displays an action that was performed on the batch. Actions include

  • Batch Generated - A batch has been created.

  • Voucher Added - A voucher has been added to the batch.

  • Batch Updated - Pending Approval - A batch has been submitted for approval.

  • Batch Updated - Approved, Pending Submission - A batch has been approved but not yet transmitted.

  • Batch Updated - Approved & Transmitted - A batch has been approved and sent to the Accounting service center.

Batch Date Displays the date the batch was generated or updated.
Batch Status

Displays the status of the batch. Statuses include

  • In Progress - Open batches that have not been submitted or approved. Vouchers can be added to In Progress batches.

  • Pending Approval - Batches that have been submitted for approval.

    Note: If you are a Manager or Delegate preparing the batch, since you are also the batch approver, you will not need to submit the batch for approval and therefore the batch will not have this status.

  • Approved - Pending Submission - This temporary status may occur if the batch has been approved but there is system lag in the electronic transmission. If a batch stays in this status for more than a couple hours, please reach out to the HelpDesk or Accounting service center for assistance.

  • Approved & Transmitted - Batches that have been approved and transmitted to the Accounting service center to process Vendor payment.

  • Declined - Batches that have been declined by the PC manager or delegate. When a batch is declined, the user who submitted it will be notified via email.

Notes Displays any notes entered on the Batch Details screen.
Voucher # Displays the voucher # assigned by the system when the batch was generated.
Voucher Amount Displays the total amount of the voucher.
Is Prior Year Displays 'Yes" if the voucher is prior year. If blank, the voucher is current year.
Modified By Displays the name of the person who performed the action on the voucher.
Modified Date Displays the date and time the action was performed on the voucher.